Trademark Law

We Know You're Unique. Let's Help You Tell The World.

You’re building your brand. Pick the team that knows how to get it protected at home and abroad. Our team at Conduct Law is ready to help you craft and protect your brand. We will guide you through trademark searches, applications, and any opposition to secure your registration.

Why Trademarks?
Trademark registration is essential if you envision expanding your business nationally or internationally. Without this protection, anyone can trade on your brand’s goodwill. If growth is on your mind, you should secure your brand now to benefit from protection across Canada and in countries beyond.

DecorationBusiness meeting

What Can Be Trademarked?

Canadian businesses can have exclusive use over words, letters, sounds, or designs that distinguish goods and services being offered in the marketplace. Trademarks are a form of consumer protection and may be maintained as long as the mark is used.

Applying for a trademark can be a complex process. Businesses must comply with requirements of the Trademarks Act or face unwanted expenses and delays. Once your application is submitted, it will be subject to examination for compliance. The examiner will issue an official action for non‐compliant applications to be amended.

After an application passes the examination stage, the proposed mark is published, giving third parties an opportunity to oppose your registration on four grounds:

  • the application is non­‐conforming;
  • the mark is not registrable,
  • the mark is not distinctive; or
  • the registrant is not entitled to registration.

Latest Resources - Trademarks

Business Owner Trademark Rights

With a registered trademark, business owners acquire rights under the Canadian Trademarks Act and ensure that they are not left with the challenge of …

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Naming, Branding & Trademarking

Naming, Branding, and Trademarking your business in Ontario is an important step in establishing your brand. Once you have found the perfect business name, you …

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